Our story

The beauty that nature provides and playing in the dirt have always been were I feel most at peace. With a background in elementary education and interior design — cultivating beauty, whether through people, spaces or things, has been something I’ve always longed for.

In retrospect, my upbringing and story have a little something to do with that.

When my older brother passed in 2020 after decades of battling epilepsy, it was clear our family needed simplicity and peace. My parents sold their home and purchased what is now our family farm, Ry Dog Farm. The entire farm had been vacant for years and we all quickly began putting in hours and hours of work on the property to bring it back to life. Which in turn, it ended up bringing us all back to life as well.

For years I was a teacher, and then when I decided to be a stay-at-home-mom, we also started our journey with foster care. Both the loss of my brother and the ups and down of our family structure left me motivated to create — but not completely sure what that looked like.

A few months after my brother’s passing, I was sitting in my back yard with my best friend talking her to about how lost I felt and she shared that she had a dream of me in a field of beautiful flowers. I laughed at her and pointed to the weed-ridden garden that I had lost track of due to the grief of his loss, not to mention the four wild children running around my yard. Fast forward to a few months later when we were walking the new property, and the dream for a flower farm planted its little seed in my brain. I had no clue how I could manage being a full-time mama and somehow grow thousands of beautiful plants to bless others when the most I had every grown before was a few veggies. But as my story goes, I blindly jumped in with both feet.

I am the main force behind Marigolds, but am blessed by the help and support of my family every step along the way. I hope that our little farm is able to bring our community the peace and beauty it brought our family in such a time of questioning and despair. I’m honored you’re here.



Picked with care

We are a seed-to-vase cut flower business, meaning, most of your flowers start off in my basement and end up in our flower fields. We use natural, regenerative growing practices, and work very hard to have healthy flowers without the use of pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Your flowers are often hand-harvested by myself and occasionally harvested with extra love via my wild little babes running loose on our farm. Either way, they are well loved when they end up on your kitchen counter.